Episode title and number: Episode 6, A State of Emergency
Name of show: I’m New Here: A podcast for new instructional designers and e-learning developers
Airing Date: June 1, 2020
Host: Nyla Spooner
Questions/Comments/Concerns? Email the show: thenewhereshow@gmail.com
Episode Summary:
This week’s episode is about race and actionable allyship. It also pays homage to the lives of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery. I close out the episode talking about ways you can put your instructional design skills into action for a good cause.
The content and discussion in today’s podcast will necessarily engage with racism and death. This is your content warning. The regularly scheduled episode for this week ("Linking Learning to the Bottom Line") will premier tomorrow, June 2nd.
In this episode, I discuss...
“... ‘What is it you want me to reconcile myself to? I was born here almost sixty years ago. I'm not going to live another sixty years. You always told me it takes time. It has taken my father's time, my mother's time. My uncle's time. My brother's and sister's time. My niece's and my nephew's time. How much time do you want for your...'progress - James Baldwin'” (00:00)
“Today’s podcast is about how you will help me and other black women, men, and children continue to thrive in this country - unbothered by the weight of police brutality, systemic racism, unconscious bias or micro-aggressions.” (02:25)
“...it’s a heavy burden to ask black people to write out a step by step guide for how you should stop racism right now. I’ve seen some posts here and there from well-meaning folks who don’t know what to do. Stop asking us to and start googling. It’s there. It’s free. And honestly, we’ve been screaming it at the top of our lungs for hundreds of years about what to do and not to do. It’s not rocket science. ” (07:55)
List of resources mentioned in episode:
Design learning experiences for k-12 education (about social issues) and create something for your portfolio at the same time.
Rachel Cargle is a public academic, writer, and lecturer. Her activism and academic work are rooted in providing intellectual discourse, tools, and resources that explore the intersection of race and womanhood. Her social media platforms boast a community of over 315k where Rachel guides conversations, encourages critical thinking and nurtures meaningful engagement with people all over the world.
Homework: Be an action-oriented ally. And if you’re a black person - don’t feel guilty if you need to take time to heal. Trauma is real.
My Blog: nylalxd.com/blog
Follow me on socials: @nylalxd
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/nylaspooner
YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/XTGjctfwjDM